Top 10 Useful Trends to follow in Nodejs Development

Built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime that operates on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model which reduces its weight and enhances its performance. Moreover, the NodeJs ecosystem is often referred to as the largest open-source library system in the world.

NodeJS is suitable for the development of a variety of applications. It is the NodeJS foundation that manages all the open-source projects and works relentlessly for the advancement of the technology. NodeJS also has a large and dynamic community.


If you want to create innovative web solutions tips that improve Node js performance, data exchange or manage high-speed data then it is highly recommended that you hire expert NodeJS developers in India. A highly skilled NodeJS team is capable of building real-time web apps. NodeJs is an integral part of the MEAN stack and a backend counterpart of AngularJS.

Developers can leverage NodeJS to create fast and scalable apps. Its robust capabilities allow it to grow constantly, making it easy to stay on top of the trends. So, here are top NodeJS trends, you should know about.

Everyone is busy nowadays so they want everything immediately. This kind of user behavior has deemed it necessary to develop real-time applications. These apps not only provide real-time updates to the users but also allow them to interact in real-time as well.

Therefore businesses are now leveraging real-time applications to enable users to engage with their apps or platforms in real time as well as enhance the user experience. Apart from building fast and scalable apps, developers also use NodeJs to create an app that can handle multiple requests simultaneously.

The event-driven architecture and the real-time capabilities of NodeJs are the most helpful features of NodeJS. It is used for the development of applications like:

  • Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) Apps

  • Document Sharing Apps

  • Video Conferencing Apps

  • E-Commerce Transaction Apps

  • Instant Messaging Apps

  • Online Gaming Applications

Another popular NodeJS trend is a new approach to app development and deployment. In this approach, the sole focus of developers remains on the app development and there is no longer a need to handle infrastructure, database, or servers.

Many top companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have already adopted serverless architectures and are now also offering pre-built solutions where developers can create whatever app they want without worrying about infrastructure.

NodeJS allows the developers to code just one time and then they can use it anywhere without depending on the type of server, its maintenance, or updates.

There are many advantages of serverless architecture;

  • Focus on business logic: Serverless architecture frees you from the worries of setting up and maintaining the infrastructure. This enables you to focus on improving the code quality and core business logic and not spend most of your time dealing with load-balancing issues or maintaining servers.
  • Highly scalable: In the case of serverless architecture, you don’t have to stock up on the resources in advance like you do while working with other types of architectures. That’s because serverless architecture is highly scalable. They can easily adjust to any changes in demand of your app. And they won’t need any complex change for it.
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing model: When you are using serverless architecture, you only have to pay for what you use. You don’t have to set up the entire architecture for internal administration or database management. And you also need not worry about scaling up when the load on your app increases. Serverless architecture is an approach meant to reduce your dependency on software and hardware.
  • Rapid deployment: this approach to app development is popular for its speed. It allows you to develop and deploy the application within a few hours as you don’t need to create infrastructure and that’s the one big thing that slows down your app development process.

Another software architecture style that has become pretty popular recently is microservices. It consists of small, independent, and loosely coupled services. They can communicate with each other via lightweight mechanisms like HTTP resource API.

Adapting microservices architecture brings in many benefits like resilience, scalability, rapid development, continuous delivery, and deployment. It enables the developers to focus on one service at a time without the need to worry about its impact on other services in the architecture.

NodeJs technology is used to build microservices, a type of architecture that promotes the use of small services built around business capabilities. Development of microservices is very easy with NodeJs frameworks like Nest and Express.

The popularity of microservices has made NodeJs a reliable option for developers to build innovative apps because NodeJs come with reusability, scalability, and independent development.

Facebook launched GraphQL in 2015. It is a query language that allows the clients to interact with the database through a single endpoint. This makes communication more efficient in comparison to traditional REST and other web services architecture. GraphQL has a simplified integration of responses because it returns data in a single format.

Despite often being compared to REST, GraphQL is popular for providing a unique approach to online API development. Using this method, the clients can get a data structure of their desire from the server. However, it has a small drawback where the amount of data returned is limited and the query result’s caching is also restricted.

Although the name is GraphQL, it fails to provide a complete range of graph operations. But there are some other comprehensive graph databases like Neo4j and some SQL dialects that can support the transitive closure. The query language is rich in features and flexible which can further complicate the matter for some APIs.

Nonetheless, GraphQL is popular among developers and many top tech companies like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Shopify use this language to enhance the developer experience as well as the development speed.

IoT is another top technology trend on the list. You can create a platform using NodeJs to build a connected device. IoT is a network of devices that are connected through the internet. These devices could be anything from home appliances to health monitors. The primary benefit of using such devices is that they allow communication or data exchange through the network very easily.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is changing the way we live and work. It not only enhances efficiency and accuracy but also reduces human intervention. Innovations like smart grids, smart cities, and smart homes can become possible when IoT becomes a cyber-physical system by combining actuators and sensors.

NodeJS is fast, lightweight, and easy to use which makes it an ideal technology to create IoT applications. And the popularity of NodeJS among developers says that you won’t have a hard time finding the necessary resources as well.

It is noted that the IoT market is growing at an 18% rate with more than 14.4 billion connected devices around the world. The IoT applications are not limited to smart homes or wearables only. They are also utilized in various industries such as transportation, health care, and agriculture.

So, if you want to build a network of internet-connected devices then NodeJs is the perfect platform for you to start with.

Shared data and processing resources are available on demand through internet-connected devices through cloud computing. Achieving an economy of scale and coherence is possible because of cloud computing’s resource-sharing capabilities. It can be considered as the next step of technological evolution from centralized mainframe computing.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing allows users to access services, files, and applications using the internet without any need to buy software or hardware. This helps companies to focus on their business growth instead of cost control.

NodeJs is more efficient and cost-effective in building cloud computing solutions like Azure Functions or AWS Lambda which states that NodeJS is famous among companies that are adapting or working with cloud computing technologies.

The lightweight and fast performance of the NodeJS appeals to businesses that are trying to build new products and services. This can come in handy while scaling up or down as per your requirements. With cloud computing trending in the market, NodeJs has a central role to play.

NodeJs is a continuously evolving technology. With so many trends riding on its capabilities, it is sure to lead the technology arena in the near future. NodeJs just has the right solutions to fulfill the demands of businesses that want to build fast and scalable apps. Its flexible nature also helps developers opt for it for both client-side and server-side app development.

I hope this article on top NodeJS web development trends has been helpful to you. You can employ NodeJS to create any one or more of these technological solutions that you think can boost your business growth.
