Top Mobile Application Development Tools to Use


Over a few years, we have witnessed a severe rise in the development of smartphones and mobile applications across the globe. It’s a massive revolution which seems to be growing every now and then. Mobile application development was once considered as an option, especially for small businesses and now that’s no longer the case. From large to mid-size to small businesses are considering mobile application development projects just to gain a competitive edge in the long run. Fortunately, there are a plethora of trustworthy mobile App development firms who prefer to deliver a solution like never before.

Now, did you know an average adult checks his or her phone 262 times a day? So it is supposed to be once every 5 minutes. Also, several stats have proved that smartphone users tend to spend 88% of their time on their favorite mobile apps. In other words, the era of mobile applications seems to be pretty dominating and everyone is gearing up to make the most of the lucrative field so where are you?

Being a businessman one must understand the true significance of conducting a mobile application development project and that’s what we will be covering in this particular segment.

There is no denying the fact that customers today are more dependent on mobile devices in comparison to laptops or desktops or any other computing devices. An average smartphone comprises at least 27 applications. So in other words, you have to compete with the remaining 26 applications to gain their attention.

You can see for yourself, what exactly I am trying to emphasize on. Further, I would like to mention how conducting a mobile application development project can be beneficial for your business.

Benefits of Mobile Application Development for Your Business

#1 Great accessibility

The first and foremost benefit of hiring a reputable mobile application development company is that they assure you to develop a solution which is pretty easy to get along or get started with. Now unlike other kinds of applications such as the web, when you develop a mobile app, you are able to get access from almost every available online platform. In other words, you are not hitting one bird or two but many birds at the same time such as Blackberry, Google Play, Apple app store, and several other internet marketplaces as well as social media sites.

#2 Reaching the Masses

Another interesting benefit offered by a mobile application is that you get to reach the masses irrespective of age, likes-dislikes, and demographics in a single go. Here it is possible to reach a wide range of target audiences and to grab their attention, promoting a great marketing strategy is all you need.

After the massive COVID hit, a huge shift has been observed from offline to online modes of communication. Right from buying apparel and accessories of your favorite brands to purchasing all the necessary groceries, getting home services, and ordering your favourite food online, any such activity is a tap away. Slowly not just for businesses but even for your customers, mobile apps seem to have become a better point of contact. After all, here you get 24/7 availability.

#3 Increased User Engagement

Another interesting benefit of considering a Mobile application development project is that you can increase user engagement to a great extent. Earlier reaching out to potential clients was pretty expensive. I mean one had to take every chance, let's say from newspapers to hoarding advertisements, and several other media channels available. Fortunately, that’s not the case anymore! With plenty of mobile applications and web applications available, enhancing user engagement no longer seems expensive and time-consuming like before.

I hope by now you are already convinced about conducting a mobile application development project. Before you start looking for a relevant mobile app development company, it is simply great to take a look at the best mobile application development tools.

Top Mobile Application Development Tools to Use

The use of mobile apps has never been so high, I mean whichever play store you choose, you will come across hundreds and thousands of different items that offer the same look and feel and trust me when you come across different mobile app development tools, you will be facing the same feeling of being overwhelmed. As a result, making the right choice here is extremely important because not doing so means you have a lot to lose. You have no idea what could go wrong and put the entire app development project at risk. However, it is advisable to hire a reputable mobile app development company that ensures it excels at different tech stacks and knows what is needed and where. One of the common mistakes that business owners, especially the non-techies often make is ignoring the scalability factor and simply focusing on at-the-moment solutions.

Instead when looking for the right mobile application development tool what one has to do is analyze all the features and functionalities of the tool and then make the absolute choice. Here I would like you to get acquainted with some of the best or should I say the most tried and tested mobile app development tools capable enough to serve your needs.

#1 React Native

If you have already been in touch with the mobile app development industry then you will certainly be well aware of React Native. Well, it’s a Javascript-based mobile app development framework but known as one of the best mobile app development tools, irrespective of the app type whether it's for Android or iOS. Wondering how? Simple, React Native uses one common codebase so there is no scope for any misconception.

React Native was launched back in 2015 by Facebook and since then there is no moving back. Today several mobile applications are being backed by React Native such as Facebook, Uber and the list goes on. Further, I would like to mention several reasons for choosing React Native as the top mobile application development tool.

  • It’s a constantly growing community

  • Aspects such as State management, React hooks, and component logic can be reused again and again

  • Whether you are developing for Android or iOS, the code can be reused effectively

  • Excellent third-party integration, supports different Javascript modules, native modules and libraries.

  • Amazing reloading functionality and seamless execution of codes in real time.

  • Mobile app developers can remain UI-focused throughout the development process.

#2 Ionic

So if you are looking for an open-source SDK then Ionic turns out to be the perfect choice to consider. Over the years, since its inception, Ionic has been pretty in demand to develop numerous hybrid applications with the help of CSS, HTML5, and SASS-like technologies. Did you know that if you create an Ionic-based mobile app, you will be able to send the release update on a direct basis to the end users?

Apart from this, automating app delivery turns out to be way more accessible and better especially with Ionic. As per from the mobile application developers' perspective, deploying different features, and fixes becomes easy and this definitely leads to an increase in the overall speed of mobile app development. Still not convinced that Ionic is one of the best mobile application development tools available across the globe? Well, here I would like to mention a few interesting benefits offered by Ionic.

  • Seamless delivery of app updates, bug fixes and changing content when needed without MDM approval or the app store approval

  • Ability to automate workflow

  • Native app binaries can be created in the cloud with the Ionic package

  • Central, shared dashboard with live activity feeds

  • Industry-specific defaults and pre-built workflows to automate development tasks

On and all, there is no point in saying no to the library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS, and JS CSS components, tools and gestures.

#3 jQuery Mobile

The next interesting Mobile app development tool to take into account is jQuery Mobile. Now this one turns out to be an HTML5-based UI system that is built on jQuery offering a wide range of UI elements and features, especially for conducting a successful mobile app development project. jQuery Mobile is highly preferred when mobile app developers are willing to develop cutting-edge web apps for both mobile, tablets and laptops.

With jQuery, it is possible to add touch-friendly form inputs, enabling quicker page loading, and offering expanded device support. Not to mention, jQuery ensures lightweight coding and flexible designs. Apart from these, other relevant benefits offered by jQuery Mobile include:

  • Little to no Javascript code

  • With the help of Ajax, it is possible to solve large code structures

  • Excellent support to both high-end and low-capable devices

  • Easy accessibility to a variety of devices and browsers

  • Simple in terms of style and touch-friendly elements available

Final Verdict

The era of mobile application development is not going to fade away any time soon. It’s high time you must start investing in a reputable mobile application development service provider that makes the most of the aforementioned top mobile application development tools and technologies.

Original Source: HERE