Why Flutter Is The Best Choice For Banking Apps
Are you looking to develop a mobile banking app? If so, you might be wondering how to go about it. There are three main options: native application development, and hybrid or cross-platform frameworks. Each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. But when it comes to getting your product to market fast, nothing beats having a hybrid app. From lower costs and faster time-to-market to ease of maintenance and scalability, choosing a hybrid app tech can be just what you need to kickstart your product.
The hybrid approach offers numerous advantages, and here are just a few of them:
Faster time to market. With hybrid apps, you can launch in weeks rather than months or even years. That’s because the same codebase can be used for multiple platforms with minor tweaks, increasing the pace of development.
Lower costs. By reusing existing code, fewer resources are needed to build and maintain apps. On average, it can save 30-40% of the costs.
Scalable and agile. As technology progresses, so do hybrid apps, providing you with increased agility to navigate ever-changing markets. It makes it easier to apply changes or add features, ensuring that your app is always up-to-date.
Ease of maintenance. In addition to development costs going down when using hybrid apps, the technology also reduces maintenance costs as you don’t need to keep 2 separate teams for iOS and Android apps.
While there are numerous benefits to developing a hybrid app, it is important to consider the potential risks as well. One of the main cons of hybrid app development is the limited support of third-party apps. This can be a challenge when you are looking to integrate with other service providers that don’t have Flutter SDK. Another downside to hybrid app development is limited access to development tools and options. It can be challenging to build apps interacting with media, phone sensors, memory, etc.
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